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Skull Island: Google Maps shows where King Kong lives

The 2017 film Kong: Skull Island, directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, reboots the iconic franchise and thrusts the mighty gorilla back into the spotlight. The film’s setting has captured the imagination of millions. Where is this mysterious island?

Thanks to playful additions by Google Maps, we can embark on virtual journeys to fictional locations from beloved franchises like Batman, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who. Now, King Kong’s Skull Island joins this illustrious group.

Google Maps pinpoints Skull Island in the South Pacific Ocean, close to the Equator. To locate it, follow here.

Adding a touch of humor, you can even write a review of the island. Just imagine the tales from those fortunate enough to survive a visit! [Update — I disabled the two text links above, because those pages no longer exist.]

Skull Island on Google Maps
Screenshot from Google Maps: The island appears near the Equator.
Google Mapas shows the island.
A closer view. This is my limit, no satellite view. I wouldn’t dare venture further!

For those feeling adventurous, explore the official Skull Island website: But not before the movie trailer:

» I live in Germany, after several years in Portugal (Algarve).

» My first fiction books, for young adults, were published in the early 2000s in Portuguese. I also wrote books and guides about travel and technology. Screenplays are my greatest passion.

» This blog is the English version of my G. DAMAS (Portuguese language, online since 2008). || English is not my native language.

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